Four Features Of Panasonic Tough Contact Connector Construction

Panasonic’s industry-leading Tough Contact construction offers the opportunity to design very durable Connectors for extremely tough and rugged applications, even applications that need to satisfy extreme environmental conditions. Able to withstand physical impact, Tough Contact Connectors are resistant to dust, dirt, and solder flux, and are resistant against corrosive gases.

PIR Motion Sensors Technology for Low Power or Line Power Applications and Lens Options

Choosing the right PIR Sensor based on application requirements may not always be so simple. PIR Sensors suitable for low power applications require a low current consumption, whereas PIR Sensors for line power applications would need a standard current consumption. Learn more about PIR Sensors' operating principle, current consumption, output, and lens options available from Panasonic.

Navigating Wireless Connectivity Industry Standards

Standards are created to govern a specific discipline. To create a set of rules an industry can follow, to create products that are considered safe, provide predictable functionality and, for the most part, are interoperable with other devices. In Wireless systems, there are two major categories of standards. Those that govern the lower level, or the Radio, and the standards that govern the Link Layer and functionality.

Thermal Electromotive Force (EMF)

Over the years, test and measurement companies have sought for a feature in relays that provides an accurate reading at low current. This is important because at very low current, there is a tendency for inaccurate measurements to occur, thus causing false readings. This feature is referred to as Thermal Electromotive Force (EMF), and is found in a few Relays.