Navigating Wireless Connectivity Industry Standards
Standards are created to govern a specific discipline. To create a set of rules an industry can follow, to create products that are considered safe, provide predictable functionality and, for the most part, are interoperable with other devices. In Wireless systems, there are two major categories of standards. Those that govern the lower level, or the Radio, and the standards that govern the Link Layer and functionality.
WHITE PAPER—The Quiet Spark Plugs Behind the IoT: Sensors
Access Panasonic’s latest white paper, The Quiet Spark Plugs Behind the IoT: Sensors.
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Healthcare And Sensors: Life, Wellness, And Lower Costs
Wearable technology has become a part of the daily exercise routine for many. Bracelets and Smart Watches can detect how many steps an individual has taken in a day while others can use Sensors to monitor heart rates. This helps people stay healthy by creating a stream of data that allows users to monitor their physical fitness and remain in peak shape.
Measurement Sensors: Specular vs Diffuse
Have you ever wondered why some Measurement Sensors can only be used on dull surfaces (e.g. thread depth measurement on a tire), or only on shiny surfaces (e.g. thickness measurement of glass)? In order to fully grasp the concept, some basics about reflection must be covered. Let’s get some background information on reflection.